TLC Resource Portal

M3 Order Processing Payment Issues

When processing an M3 Cash Sale or Warranty Fulfillment order if an error or stop code 3 occurs :

Please See Below:

1-A) Inside Business Hours : 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM (EST)

- Point of contact is: Onshore Support Lisa 

- Provide Ticket #

- Provide M3 Order Number

- Advise error message received or stop code 3 error

1-B) Lisa will advise if payment captured successfully & will advise how to proceed.

1-C) Please note: If Lisa is out of the office please reach out to Colleen for assistance

2-A) Outside Business Hours: After 5:00 PM (EST)

- Point of Contact is : Onshore Support Colleen 

-Provide Ticket #

-Provide Order Number 

- Advise error message received or stop code 3 error

2-B) Colleen will reach out to accounting to advise if payment captured successfully & will advise how to proceed. 

- Please allow 1 business day for Colleen to provide payment confirmation

- If you have not receive confirmation from Colleen by end of next business day send Colleen a follow up asking to please advise how to proceed. 

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