TLC Resource Portal

M3- How to look an order up

Understanding the order columns

A) Co no: This is the M3 order number

B.) Customers Order: 

- This is the consumers first & last name 

- The Shopify Order Number

C)  HI/LOW order status

1. Status 22: Order is in back order status 

2. Status 33: Order has not been picked.

   - Order can be cancelled

   - Modifications can be made on order (including shipping address)

 3. Status 44: Order has been processed

   - No changes can be made

 4. Status 66: Order shipped (most likely tracking will reflect on order)

 5. Status 77: Order shipped and is invoiced 

 6. Status 90: Order has been deleted

D) S: This is payment status

1. 3: This means payment did not go through

2.  2,7,and 8: Payment is under review

3. 9: Payment went though

D) WHS: This is the shipping warehouse

E) Ent dt : Order entry date

F) Req dt: Requested ship date


How To Steps

1. Log into M3

2. Click on OIS300

3. You can set the Sorting order & view on how you are looking the order up in M3 by using the dropdown arrows select your view.

Example1: View Below: Sorting order: 1-C Order No / View: TLC3 Customer/Cust Order No

A)- Search by M3 order number

 Example 2: View below is : Sorting Order: 30-Customer PO# / View D83 PO#

 B) - Search is by Consumers first & last name

 C)-Search is by Shopify order number

4) Viewing order lines

- Locate order and click (Highlight line) -> Left Side Bar Click "Order lines"

Viewing Shipping Address

-Click Order line --> Right side of page click "Addresses" to view shipping and billing address.

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