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M3 ERP - How to look up tracking on order - Order status

Understanding Order status (Hi/Low status)

22- Product is out of stock

33 - Order has not process for shipping yet. - You can make the following changes to order

      * Modify shipping address

      * Cancel/delete order

      *For M3 MANUAL ORDER  ENTRY ONLY: You can add or delete a product on order

      * ONLINE ORDERS: We cannot add or delete a product from order      

44 - Warehouse has processed order.  (Picked & Packed & on UPS truck) - No changes can be made including order cannot be cancelled (deleted).

66 - Warehouse has fulfilled the order. Order is on UPS truck.  (tracking should now reflect on order)

77 - Order is invoiced and shipped

90 - Order was deleted

Quick Reference : The only time changes can be made to order , or order can be canceled is if order is in a status 33.

                            - Orders in a status 44, 66, or 77, NO changes can be made including cancelling order. (Cancel My Order)

Warehouse Location:


1.  Majority of Units for Vino are located in Sparks

2.  Majority of the Vino Parts are located in Paris KY.


1. All Units and spare parts are located in Paris KY. 

2. Carrier- US - Parts: UPS SurePost

3. Carrier - US - Units : UPS Ground

4. Carrier - Canada - Parts & Units: UPS Ground CAN

Understanding the Columns: (When entering information in the selected column be sure all other search columns are blank. 

- Customers Ord : Full Web Order (Shopify #) , or Po Number

- Customer : This is the Customer (ID) Number

- Name (Column#1): The Consumers Name

- Name (Columns #2) Will Reflect example ("Warranty Replacement"  for manual order entries,-  "OR" -  Shopify - Avanti (the    Brand)


**All M3 Order numbers begin with 10000

How to look an order up in M3 by name or PO number

1. Log into M3

2. Click -  OIS300 Customer Order . Open Toolbox

3A.- Sorting Order: Use dropdown and select -> #30-Customer Po

3B.- View: Use dropdown and select ->  D30-Cust. Ref. Order No.

4- You can search by Customer Name, Full Web Order #/PO#, M3 Order Number

4A- Customers Ord. (Column)- 

3C- Full view of screen for steps 3A & 3B

2. in the Customers ord. enter name , po#, or ticket# --> be sure to clear any field across the columns -->hit enter

   -the order will now show

   - highlight the line

   - right side of screen --> click "Delivery Tool Box"

- Right Side of screen select "Packages"

- Top Right --> "Filter Options" --> View - Drop Down arrow - select packages 

- tracking now is showing -->If full tracking number does not reflect slide the tool bar line so full tracking now reflects. 

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