Avanti Brand
1. Units 3.5 CU. FT. and below are not serviceable. Under No Circumstances is a Service Power ticket allowed to be created.
2. Units 3.5 Cu FT. and below please reach out to Cynthia and Diana on how to proceed.
3. Please DO NOT provide Service Powers Telephone Number under No Circumstances.( Service Power is located in California)
4. Customer/Unit located in Canada , the unit does not come with a warranty . Please do not create a Service Power ticket Please advise the customer to reach out to the Place of Purchase (Distributor) for assistance. The Distributor may be able to provide a Service Company.
5. Reminder when creating a call Brandsmart only services units purchased directly through them.
1. Log In To Service Power Portal
Step 1: Be sure the Option selected is "Existing Customer to Create a Call" ( The Rectangle Blue Bar will show around this selection) . Please see Highlighted below. Then Click "Add A Customer"
Step 2: Fill In the below areas:
1. Customers First Name and Last Name
2. Customer Address - The Street Address will go on Liner 1
If there is a Suite #, Apartment#, ECT. - Enter on the second line
3. The Customers email address if Available.
* This is for our Internal use, if ion the event the Service company reaches out to us we have the option to email the customer with the follow up.
* The Technician will not reach out to customer via email for any reason.
4. Brand
5. Product - using the drop down box select the item- (Example - Electric Range)
6. Model Number
7. Purchase Date
8. Dealers Name
9. Customer Name
10. Click " Create Service Call"
11. The Screen Below Appears:
1. The Service Company assigned will appear as shown below.