After you have Signed into Apprise:
1. Navigation à Click Drop-Down Arrow
Customer Service à Click Drop Down Arrow
Inquiries à Click Drop- Down Arrow
Inventory à Click Drop Down Arrow
Select: Inventory Matrix Inquiry
Inventory Screen will Appear:
1. In the Product Location: Enter the SKU Number à Tab and List will appear with warehouse location and stock available.
- You may use the Drop-Down Arrow and All Product will appear but then you will need to scroll down to locate the product you need and double click on the product line and warehouse location and stock availability will show.
If an Item is Not showing available, you will need to reach out to Gigi and her Team In Logistics and will confirm if they have the product and what warehouse the product will be shipping from. (Currently Contact Information N/A)
2. To get out of the current screen Click the 3 Lines to the Top Left and Click “Home”