Update: Minimum Quantity for custom scoops is now 1,000 pieces.
A-Point of Contact Support email address: Kim at kforbes@zeroll.com and CC ecommerce@thelegacycompanies.com
B - Retail Shop or Consumer
C- Please make the Consumer aware we have a minimum of 1000 pieces or more when placing an order.
D. Important: Please be sure to forward tickets to the Team ONLY if the order for the custom scoops is 1000 pieces or more.
TLC Website also reflects the same information now.
1. Zeroll Website and scroll to "Customize IT" and click :Contact us to design your scoop"
Step 1: Ask probing questions/collect details
Step 2: Respond to the caller/inbound fresh desk ticket with the dedicated canned response
Step 3: Open full history of ticket and "Copy" the full history starting at the top , the whole way to the bottom of ticket and click "Forward" and paste the details in the ticket.
-Enter the email address kforbes@zeroll.com and CC ecommerce@thelegacycompanies.com advise : "Can you please assist consumer with this request" and click "Forward" at bottom of the ticket. and mark the ticket "Resolved".
* Please enter detailed Internal Notes as you normally would.
** For the Copy & Paste of History of ticket : Please be sure when you copy the full history of the ticket (including your Internal Notes ) that you are pasting the full history of the ticket in the body of the email response (and not in the Internal Notes) to the dedicated Team.
Key words
Zeroll scoops
customized scoops
place an order for customized scoop
how can I place an order for customized scoops
minimum quantity for customized scoops