TLC Resource Portal

Level 3 Task: Open Order Report (Colleen)

Compact Brands:

M3 Customer Account ID:


Warranty Account: 50470

Cash Sale Account: 50821


Warranty Account: 50295

Cash Sale Account: 50292


UPS SurePost

UPS Ground: 


Warehouse & point of contact:

HNJ: (Hamilton NJ)

1. Mike McLaughlin-[email protected]
2. Maycol Rodas - [email protected] 

 PKY: (Paris KY)

1. Lee Searcy - [email protected] - (For Units)
2. Susan Switzer - [email protected] - (For Parts)

SNV: (Sparks NV)

1. Nadine Choi [email protected]
2. Mike Banks- [email protected]

WFL: (Weston FL.)

1. Leonardo Ossa -[email protected]

Stop Codes:

Stop Code 3: Payment Issues

Stop Code 7: Payment Issues, Waiting to collect Payment for order, Product OOS (Back Order)

Please Note: Warranty orders S&H is waived

Countertop Brands:

M3 Customer ID:

Warranty Accounts:

US Shipping Address: 70730

Canada Shipping Address: 70731

Cash Sale:

US Shipping Address: 70736

Canada Shipping Address: 70737

Carrier ID:


US Shipping Address: UPS SurePost

Canada Shipping Address: UPS GND CAD


US Shipping Address: UPS GND RESI

Canada Shipping Address: UPS GND CAD

Warehouse & point of contact:

PKY (Paris KY)


1. Leslie Smith: [email protected]

2. Angelo D'Agostino: [email protected]

CC on email:

3. Lee Searcy: [email protected]

4. Lisa Long: [email protected]

5. Jeff Long: [email protected]


1. Susan Switzer : [email protected]

CC on email:

2. Lee Searcy: [email protected]

3. Lisa Long: [email protected]

4. Jeff Long: [email protected]

Failed Order Process Flow:

- Order Entry Keying Error

Step 1:

Notify OP360 TL's of order failure:

- Reference article: OP360 Team Lead breakdown

1. Send your message to Ring chat: TLC OP360 Team Leadership

A) Address the TL the agent reports to
B) Include the Ticket Number & M3 Order Number
C) The reason for the order failure
D) The resolution
E) Include screen shot of order

Examples of message to send to TL:
Order needs reprocessed - with a S&H Fee
Hello XYZ,
I have received a message of order failure 1000000000
- Ticket 000000
- Order Type selected was " E25" & should reflect "E00"
- I have cancelled the order
- Please advise agent to reach out to consumer for payment & reprocess order

Order needs reprocessed - S&H waived

Hello XYZ,
I have received a message of order failure 1000000000
- Ticket 000000
- Customer ID selected was "70730" & should reflect "70731"
- I have cancelled the order
- Please advise agent to reach out to consumer for payment & reprocess order

No need to Re-process Order does not need reprocessed ( orders you can modify)

Hello XYZ,
I have received a message of order failure 1000000000
- Ticket 000000
- Carrier ID selected was "UPS GND RESI" & should reflect "UPS GND CAD"
- I have modified the order for shipping

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